Helpful Hints For A Successful Elevator Pitch
Imagine Pitching To Your Oldest Living Relative
Mark Twain once said, "The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it."
I recently attended a marketing industry event attended by many new business entrants who were busy networking and touting their company's offerings to anyone who would listen. I had the opportunity to chat with a number of these companies and was on the receiving end of countless elevator pitches. Although I listened attentively to each pitch, I comprehended only about 1 in 10.
What was the problem with the other 9? It didn't matter to these people that "I got it". They were speaking "at me" not "to me". They used jargon I didn't understand and examples I could not relate to. Like Mr. Twain, the more they explained, the worse it got.
Here are some helpful hints on a successful elevator pitch:
- Imagine you are speaking to your oldest living relative. If they get it, anyone can.
- Qualify your audience before you begin, i.e. background, current knowledge of topic, etc. and customize your story accordingly.
- Tell a good story - why you matter in the big scheme of things compared to everybody else.
- Speak conversationally and speak slow.
- Avoid hyperbole and unsupported claims, i.e "we are the greatest, most innovative, etc.
- Minimize industry jargon
- Don't bash the competition
- Don't use a powerpoint unless requested.
- Take and ask questions - do they get it?
- Always follow up